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NEET UG 2024: Understanding the Marking Scheme

Importance of Understanding the NEET UG 2024 Marking Scheme:

Are you getting ready for the NEET UG exam in 2024? Excellent! Besides mastering your subjects, knowing the marking scheme is important. So let’s break it down, section by section.

Understanding this marking scheme will make it easier for you to plan your exams and find a balance between accuracy and the importance of attempting enough questions to get a good mark. 

Also read: Update on NEET syllabus

NEET UG Marking Scheme Breakdown:

Section A: 35 Questions:

NEET UG Section A

Section A contains 35 questions. Each correct answer gives you 4 marks. However, be aware of incorrect answers; they’ll cost you -1 mark. Unanswered questions won’t impact your mark. If more than one option turns out to be correct, only those who marked any of the correct options get four (+4) marks.

Supposing that all options are considered to be correct, every single person who attempts the question gets four (+4) marks.

If none of the options are correct, a question is wrong, or a question is dropped, all candidates get four four marks (+4), no matter whether they attempted the question.

Section B: 15 Questions (choose any 10):

Section B

Section B contains 15 questions, although you only have to answer 10 of them. So choose wisely! Correct answers will give you four (+4) marks, incorrect answers will cost you one mark (-1), and unanswered questions are neutral. Again, if more than one option has been found to be correct, only those who marked any of the correct options get the four (+4) marks.

If a question turns out to be wrong or the question is dropped, all individuals who attempted it will be awarded four (+4) marks. The reason could be either a human or technical mistake.

Candidates are asked to perform the calculations using the constants provided (if any) in the questions. 

Also read: NEET UG Admit card and guidelines

Marking Scheme Road Map:

Section A:

Test Pass
  • Correct Answer: +4 marks
  • Incorrect Option: -1 mark
  • Unanswered questions: No marks
  • All options are correct: +4 marks for the attempt
  • Incorrect or Dropped Question: +4 marks for everyone, regardless of answer or attempt.

Section B:

Wrong answers
  • Correct Answer: +4 marks
  • Incorrect Answer: -1 mark
  • Unanswered: No marks
  • More than one Correct option: +4 marks for any correctly marked option
  • Incorrect or Dropped Question: +4 marks for all who attempted, due to human or technical error.
  • Tips for Section B: attempt only 10 questions. If you try more, only the first 10 count and use the constants provided in the questions for calculations.


Choose yout answers carefully

Understanding the NEET UG 2024 marking scheme is key to maximizing your score. So, as you prepare, keep these rules in mind. Best of luck on exam day! May your answers be accurate and your score be outstanding! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask us. ZyNerd for all your needs.

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